Full-Throttle Franchise: The culture, business and politics of Fast & Furious

Gulam, Joshua and Elliott, Fraser and Feinstein, Sarah, eds. (2023) Full-Throttle Franchise: The culture, business and politics of Fast & Furious. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781501376904

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When the first Fast & Furious film was released in June 2001, few predicted that it would be a box office hit, let alone the launchpad for a multibillion-dollar franchise. Full-Throttle Franchise is the first book to offer an in-depth analysis of Fast & Furious, bringing together a range of scholars to explore not only the style and themes of the franchise, but also its broader impact and legacy. The collected essays establish the franchise’s importance in cultural, industrial and ideological terms, linking their discussions to wider issues including genre, the aesthetics of the Hollywood action film, transmedia storytelling, representation and identity, and fandom and audiences. Aimed at both scholars and fans, this book aims to introduce readers to a range of perspectives on Fast & Furious, from analyses of stardom and performance to reflections on its place within contemporary franchise cinema. Across the chapters, there is a particular focus on how Fast & Furious - as one of the biggest cinematic properties of the last twenty years - is both representative of wider cultural and industrial forces and curiously out of step with them, too.

Item Type: Book
Keywords: Hollywood action film; franchise cinema; genre; popular culture; representation and identity; fandom and audiences; transmedia storytelling; stardom and performance; media industries
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Creative Arts & Humanities > School of Creative and Performing Arts
Depositing User: Joshua Gulam
Date Deposited: 13 Jun 2023 15:34
Last Modified: 13 Jun 2023 15:34
URI: https://hira.hope.ac.uk/id/eprint/3949

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