Alice Milligan and the Irish Cultural Revival

Morris, Catherine (2012) Alice Milligan and the Irish Cultural Revival. Four Courts Press, Dublin. ISBN 9781846823138

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'A profound and moving analysis of one of the greatest inventors of modern Ireland, this account of Alice Milligan itself displays those qualities of intellectual versatility and imaginative audacity which ennobled her life through its many astonishing phases.' – Declan Kiberd

This book is the first study to explore the life and work of Alice Milligan (1866–­1953). A prolific writer for over six decades, she published her work in a range of genres (including poetry, short stories, novels, travelogues, biography, plays, journalism, letters, and memoirs). From 1891 to the 1940s, she founded a series of cultural, feminist, commemorative and political organizations that put the north on the map of the Irish Cultural Revival and provided a new resonance to Irish visual culture. This book not only reclaims an unjustly forgotten Irish cultural and political activist during this foundational era in modern Ireland, but also provides new ways of interpreting the Irish Cultural Revival itself.

Item Type: Book
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Creative Arts & Humanities > School of Humanities
Depositing User: Catherine Morris
Date Deposited: 15 May 2023 14:49
Last Modified: 13 Nov 2024 12:31

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