The portrayal of the female protagonist in Sarat Chandra’s Devdas and its two Hindi film adaptations: A critical discourse analysis

Al-Azami, Salman (2020) The portrayal of the female protagonist in Sarat Chandra’s Devdas and its two Hindi film adaptations: A critical discourse analysis. AMU Journal of Language and Media Discourse, 02 (1-2). 03-24. ISSN 2582-1741

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The portrayal of the female protagonist in Sarat Chandra’s Devdas and its two Hindi film adaptations - A critical discourse analysis.doc - Published Version

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Saratchandra Chatterjee (1876 – 1938) is one of the most prominent novelists in Bangla literature, and the main protagonist of his 1917 novel Devdas has become the symbol of a fallen tragic hero in the whole of South Asia. There have been many film versions of the story in various languages due to its storytelling, characterization, and dialogues. This paper uses Critical Discourse Analysis method to investigate the discourse patterns through the portrayal of its main female protagonist in one of the most important scenes of the novel to examine whether the language used in two of its most famous Hindi film versions is changed due to the social and contextual differences in their respective eras.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Discourse, Narrative style, Film adaptation, Feminism, Male dominance, Rebellion
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Creative Arts & Humanities > School of Humanities
Depositing User: Salman Al-Azami
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2021 13:07
Last Modified: 05 Dec 2024 16:15

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