Social Work Education in the United Kingdom

Lucas, Steven and Acar, Hakan (2021) Social Work Education in the United Kingdom. In: Social Work Education in Europe. European Social Work Education and Practice . Springer, Switzerland, pp. 211-231. ISBN 9783030697006

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Since 2000 social work has been a regulated profession throughout the UK with a requirement for individual social worker registration; regulatory bodies overseeing standards of practice; a disciplinary framework allowing suspension and removal of social workers from the register and inspection and validation of educational programmes set at degree level throughout the UK. In this account of Social Work education in the United Kingdom we begin with a brief historical introduction to the development of these national arrangements for social work and social work education in the UK before discussing some contemporary challenges. Whilst the general structure for social work regulation was established across the UK, there are regional divergences. Accordingly, in this chapter we also give an overview of arrangements throughout the regions of the UK. This regional view is necessary as the devolved government in the regions of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales accounts for increasing local control and divergence in the arrangements for social work throughout the UK. After accounting for developments in the UK regions we consider contemporary issues in England and the UK more generally in respect of the national government and professional regulation and discuss implications for the professional social work curriculum in a closely regulated environment.

Item Type: Book Section
Keywords: social work education, United Kingdom, higher education, neoliberalism
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Education and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
Depositing User: Steven Lucas
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2021 08:57
Last Modified: 23 Nov 2022 09:30

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