Project Essay: From Cradle to Parlour

Clarke, Niamh and Rohr, Doris (2020) Project Essay: From Cradle to Parlour. Drawing Research Theory and Practice, 5 (1). pp. 59-72. ISSN 20570384 (Accepted for Publication)

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This co-authored project report considers the polarity of the ephemeral (concept, memory, recollection) with the material aspect of creativity, as it manifests itself in the related yet complimentary practices of writing and drawing. The craft of drawing is complex and hybrid, more akin to writing processes as a means of embodying and making physical through gesture, then many other art forms and processes that rely on material presence. Writing and drawing materialise memory, ideas and projective thought and attempt to manifest their transience. The joint project research (Clarke|Rohr) was originally presented as a contribution to ‘Drawings Of, Drawings By and Drawings With…’ chaired by Ray Lucas (Manchester University) for the conference Art, Materiality and Representation Royal Anthropological Institution, SOAS|British Museum in June 2018. We are grateful for the opportunity to further evaluate and publish the outcomes in this issue of DRTP.

The idea for a collaborative drawing project that involves text|image translations was borne from conversations between Niamh Clarke and Doris Rohr. Clarke perceived visual, structural and textual affinities between the modernist English novel The Waves by Virginia Woolf and the drawings of waves by the Latvian-American photorealist artist Vija Celmins. This prompted an experimental project: what type of textual responses might be found in another’s drawing, and in turn, what type of visual drawn image might be generated in response to a short text of creative writing? We decided to limit the postal exchange of material to three A 4 drawings and three individual short excerpts of poetry or prose. It was agreed that we would monitor our personal reactions, emotions and analysis of the process and store the responses via a shared digital platform (G Drive). The project’s premise was to interrogate image and text relationships and the possibilities to translate or influence one through the other. Our aim was to explore materiality and subject matter through drawing with a mediated sense of authorship.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information and Comments: To gain a fuller sense of this project and subsequent developments, we refer the reader to https://www.instagram. com/thedrawingjournal_/ A group exhibition of selected works by the group The Drawing Journal will be held at Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich, 216 Falls Rd., Belfast BT12 6AH, United Kingdom, in November 2020 (https://
Keywords: collaboration authorship visual literacy text image relationship poetry drawing materiality memory
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Creative Arts & Humanities > School of Creative and Performing Arts
Depositing User: Doris Rohr
Date Deposited: 29 May 2020 15:59
Last Modified: 01 Jan 2021 01:15

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