The Children's Film: Genre, Nation and Narrative

Brown, Noel (2017) The Children's Film: Genre, Nation and Narrative. Short Cuts . Columbia University Press, New York. ISBN 9780231182690

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Films for children and young people are a constant in the history of cinema, from its beginnings to the present day. This book serves as a comprehensive introduction to the children's film, examining its recurrent themes and ideologies, and common narrative and stylistic principles. Opening with a thorough consideration of how the genre may be defined, this volume goes on to explore how children's cinema has developed across its broad historical and geographic span, with particular reference to films from the United States, Britain, France, Denmark, Russia, India, and China. Analyzing changes and continuities in how children's film has been conceived, it argues for a fundamental distinction between commercial productions intended primarily to entertain, and non-commercial films made under pedagogical principles, and produced for purposes of moral and behavioral instruction. In elaborating these different forms, this book outlines a history of children's cinema from the early days of commercial cinema to the present, explores key critical issues, and provides case studies of major children's films from around the world.

Item Type: Book
Keywords: Film, Children's Film, Cinema
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Creative Arts & Humanities > School of Creative and Performing Arts
Depositing User: Noel Brown
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2018 11:19
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2018 11:19

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