Presque mon son

Blackburn, Manuella (2015) Presque mon son. [Composition]

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Programme note: Selecting a handful of Luc Ferrari’s archived soundfiles provided the starting point for this composition. The selection of the materials was done on the basis of personal preference, where I chose sounds that appealed to my own aesthetic and taste. My motivation for this work was the prospect of utilizing sounds from another composer (in this case Luc Ferrari) and embracing the challenges and creativity that would emerge. Acquainting myself with the sounds in some depth was the greatest challenge of the composition – understanding their sonic content, behavior and spatial properties was an important step in teasing out some of the finer nuances inherent in the soundfiles, now placed within a new context. While many of the sounds from the archive are left recognizable, I felt that it was important to put my own compositional stamp onto the composition, so in this sense there is a good helping of transformed material all originating from the archived soundfiles – the piece is a blend of Ferrari’s sounds with my compositional voice. The structure of the piece is dictated by textural passages that repeat and evolve. There are two main sections, with the first exploring more gestural activity and the second more textural in nature. The final part of the composition reveals some extended real-world sound material from Ferrari’s archive so the outside space is suddenly opened outwards.

Item Type: Composition
Additional Information and Comments: Presque mon son (2015) was awarded a selection in the Prix PRESQUE RIEN 2015 ( The composition was first performed in Alfortville, France at the 'LA MUSE EN CIRCUIT' concert in December 2015.
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Creative Arts & Humanities > School of Creative and Performing Arts
Depositing User: Manuella Blackburn
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2017 10:53
Last Modified: 12 Mar 2021 16:55

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