Are There Any Pictures in It? Creative Practice as a Serious Research Vehicle.

Piasecki, Simon Are There Any Pictures in It? Creative Practice as a Serious Research Vehicle. In: The Creative Critic. Routledge, London, UK. (Accepted for Publication)

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If there is a stable relationship between my natural work as an artist and its transmogrification into the status of acceptable research, this has to be more than long words; it resides in the discourse and reflects ‘the difficulty of proceeding into a space that opens only as you begin to advance’ (Piasecka referring to Derrida 2005, p.4). The question of a stricture between critical writing and practice itself is complex and political, but I certainly do not accept that the only research value emerges in a final written critical analysis of that practice. Therefore, I have attempted with this chapter to conflate playfully the space between writing and practice, since to me they feel very much the same. There is something of a politic in my intention, aimed at a perceptual prejudice of what is regarded as 'serious' research and it is this idea that I intend to tease. In the research community, the written up object is often regarded as the research, when of course it is actually the concluding product of that research. In this sense all research is practice in actuality and the performance or art studio does not differ in any great extent to the scientific laboratory. What follows, then, is a series of illustrations about my practice that also contain writing - whether the chapter exists as an artwork in and of itself (I believe so) or as a body of writing (I believe so too) is really at the nub of how a reader might judge it.

Item Type: Book Section
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Creative Arts & Humanities > School of Creative and Performing Arts
Depositing User: Simon Piasecki
Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2017 10:52
Last Modified: 28 May 2021 15:05

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