Adolescents' Prosocial Behavior Predicts Good Grades Beyond Intelligence and Personality Traits

Gerbino, M. and Zuffianò, Antonio and Eisenberg, Nancy and Castellani, Valeria and Luengo Kanacri, Bernadette Paula and Pastorelli, Concetta and Caprara, Gian Vittorio (2017) Adolescents' Prosocial Behavior Predicts Good Grades Beyond Intelligence and Personality Traits. Journal of Personality, 86 (2). pp. 247-260. ISSN 00223506

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Gerbino, Zuffiano et al., 2017.pdf - Accepted Version

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Objective. Researchers have demonstrated the prediction of academic functioning by children's prosocial behavior (PB). The goal of our study was to examine the contribution of adolescents' PB for middle and senior high school grades after controlling for stability of achievement and for intelligence, Big Five traits, and socio-demographic variables (i.e., sex and SES). Method. Study 1 examined on 165 adolescents (48.5% boys) the prediction by peer-reported PB in 7th grade of academic achievement at the end of junior high school, after controlling for the above variables. Study 2 examined the prediction by 927 (52% girls) 8th graders' PB of academic achievement 5 years later, at the end of senior high school, taking into account the stability of grades, personality traits, and socio-structural variables. Results. Overall, hierarchical regression analysis indicated in both studies PB and Openness significantly predicted better grades in the short-term and over time despite the high stability of grades across five years. Extraversion negatively predicted academic achievement across one year in junior high school. Conclusion. Findings supported the view of PB as a strength and a key resource for adolescents' academic attainment. This article is protected by copyright.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information and Comments: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Gerbino, M (2017) Adolescents' Prosocial Behavior Predicts Good Grades Beyond Intelligence and Personality Traits, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. Dear Dr. Gerbino: Thank you for your attention to my and the reviewer's comments on your original submission. With these changes, it is a pleasure to accept your manuscript titled, "Adolescents' Prosocial Behavior Predicts Good Grades Beyond Intelligence and Personality Traits" in its current form for publication in the Journal of Personality. Thank you for your fine contribution. On behalf of the Editors of the Journal of Personality, we look forward to your continued contributions to the Journal. Sincerely, Robin Edelstein Journal of Personality
Faculty / Department: Faculty of Human and Digital Sciences > School of Psychology
Depositing User: Antonio Zuffiano
Date Deposited: 17 Mar 2017 10:38
Last Modified: 29 Jun 2020 11:04

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