Items where Year is Not Specified
Haynes, Patrice African Humanism. In: Beyond the Doctrine of Man. Fordham University Press. (Unpublished)
Bolt, David Autocriticality and Interdisciplinarity: Personal-Professional Applications of the Tripartite Model of Disability. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Disability Studies. Routledge. ISBN 9780367338572 (Accepted for Publication)
Dabrowski, Vicki A Pragmatic Politics of the Present? In: Combating crises from below: Social responses to polycrisis in Europe. Maastricht University Press, Maastricht.
Piasecki, Simon Are There Any Pictures in It? Creative Practice as a Serious Research Vehicle. In: The Creative Critic. Routledge, London, UK. (Accepted for Publication)
Jeyaraj, Daniel Gegenwartige Fragen und Konsequenzen religioser Bekehrungen in Indien Eine missionswissenschaftliche Analyse. In: Konversion zwischen empirischer Forschung und theologischer Reflexion. Beiträge zu Evangelisation und Gemeindeentwicklung (18). Institut zur Erforschung von Evangelisation und Gemeindeentwicklung, Greifswald. ISBN 978-3-7887-2552-5
Smyth, Thomas and Rooney, Paul and Jones, Laurence, eds. Proceedings of the 2017 Littoral conference: ‘Change, Naturalness and People’. UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Booth, Robert Environmental Philosophy and Phenomenology. In: Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Springer. (Accepted for Publication)
Khomych, Taras Conflicting Choreographies? Dance as Doctrinal Expression in Ignatius’ Ephesians 19 and Acts of John 94-96. In: Docetism in the Early Church. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, pp. 217-229. (Accepted for Publication)