Items where Division is "School of Computer Science and the Environment" and Year is 2016
Anya, O and Tawfik, Hissam and Secco, Emanuele Lindo (2016) A Context-Aware Architecture for Personalized Elderly Care in Smart Environments. In: 1st EAI International Conference on Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies, May 19-20, 2016, UK. (Accepted for Publication)
Azeezun Nisha, P.S. and Hemalatha, S. and Nagar, Atulya K. and Subramanian, K.G. (2016) A Variant of Extended Two-dimensional Context-free Picture Grammar. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 1311-8080; 1314-3395
Buckley, N and Nagar, Atulya K. and Arumugam, Subramanian (2016) On Real-valued Visual Cryptographic Basis Matrices. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 21. pp. 1536-1562. ISSN 0948-6968
Buckley, Neil and Nagar, Atulya and Arumugam, Subramanian (2016) On the Use of Secret Sharing as a Secure Multi-use Pad. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 12. pp. 215-225. ISSN 1614-5054
Caronongan III, A and Venturini, B and Canuti, D and Dlay, S and Naguib, RNG and Sherbet, GV (2016) Neural Analyses Validate and Emphasise the Role of Progesterone Receptor in Breast Cancer Progression and Prognosis. Anticancer Research, 36 (4). pp. 1909-1915. ISSN 0250-7005
Chaichana, Thanapong and Pititeeraphab, Yutthana and Sangworasil, Manas and Masuura, Takenobu (2016) Implementation of Wireless Electrocardiogram Monitoring System. International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 4 (3). pp. 248-252. ISSN 2301-380X
Chester, David K. and James,, Peter and Duncan, Angus (2016) Development and spatial distribution of soils on an active volcano: Mt. Etna, Sicily. Catena, 137. pp. 277-329. ISSN 0341-8162
Chinnaswamy, AK and Galvez, MC and Balisane, H and Nguyen, QT and Naguib, RNG and Trodd, N and Marshall, IM and Yaacob, N and Vallar, EA and Shaker, MH and Wickramasinghe, N and Ton, TN (2016) Air Pollution in Bangalore, India: An Eight-Year Trend Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 19 (3-4). pp. 177-197. ISSN 1466-2132
Chowdhury, A. and Rakshit, P. and Konar, A. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) A Meta-Heuristic Approach to Predict Protein-Protein Interaction Network. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2016, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Crawford, Kevin (2016) A Geoheritage Interpretation Case Study: the Antrim Coast of Northern Ireland. In: Geoheritage and Geotourism A European Perspective. Heritage Matters . Boydell Press, pp. 205-217. ISBN 978 1 78327 147 4
Dan, M. and Saha, A. and Konar, A. and Ralescu, A. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) A Type-2 Fuzzy Approach Towards Cognitive Load Detection Using fNIRS Signals. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Duncan Chester, A.M and Guest, J.E. and Wallenstein, N and Chester, David K. (2016) The older volcanic complexes of Sao Miguel, Azores: Nordeste and Povoacao. In: Volcanic Geology of Sao Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago). Memoirs, 44 (44). The Geological Society of London, pp. 147-153.
Elstob, Daniel and Secco, Emanuele Lindo (2016) A LOW COST EEG BASED BCI PROSTHETIC USING MOTOR IMAGERY. International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services (IJITCS), 6 (1). pp. 23-36.
Fei, Zhouxiang and Huang, Yi and Zhou, Jiafeng (2016) Crosstalk variations caused by uncertainties in three-conductor transmission lines. In: 2015 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC), 2-3 November, 2015, Loughborough, UK.
Fei, Zhouxiang and Huang, Yi and Zhou, Jiafeng and Xu, Qian (2016) Sensitivity Analysis of Cable Crosstalk to Uncertain Parameters Using Stochastic Reduced Order Models. In: 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 25-29 July, 2016, Ottawa, Canada.
Fei, Zhouxiang and Huang, Yi and Zhou, Jiafeng and Xu, Qian (2016) Statistical Analysis of Crosstalk Subject to Multiple Uncertainty Sources Using Stochastic Reduced Order Models. In: 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, 5-9 September, 2016, Wroclaw, Poland.
Gaspar, J. and Guest, J.E. and Duncan, Angus M. and Chester, David K. and Barriga, F (2016) Volcanic geology of Sao Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago): Introduction. In: Volcanic geology of Sao Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago). Memoir, 44 (44). Geological Society of London, pp. 1-3.
Germanos, Vasileios and Secco, Emanuele Lindo (2016) Formal Verification of Robotics Navigation Algorithms. In: 2016 IEEE Intl Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE Intl Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC) and 15th Intl Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business Engineering (DCABES). IEEE, Paris, pp. 177-180. ISBN 9781509035939
Gromova, Ekaterina and Gromova, Dmitry and Timonin, Nikolay and Kirpichnikova, Anna and Blakeway, Stewart (2016) A Dynamic Game of Mobile Agent Placement in a MANET. In: Systems Informatics, Modelling and Simulation, 1st - 3rd June 2016, Riga, Latvia.
Hesp, P.A. and Smyth, T.A.G. (2016) Jet flow over foredunes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41 (12). pp. 1727-1735. ISSN 1096-9837
Hesp, P.A. and Smyth, T.A.G. (2016) Surfzone-Beach-Dune interactions: Flow and Sediment Transport across the Intertidal Beach and Backshore. Journal of Coastal Research (SI 75). pp. 6-11. ISSN 0749-0208
Hesp, P.A. and Smyth, T.A.G. and Walker, I.J. and Gares, P.A. and Wasklewisz, T (2016) Flow within a Trough Blowout at Cape Cod. Journal of Coastal Research (SI 75). pp. 288-292. ISSN 0749-0208
Immanuel, S James and Thomas, DG and Thamburaj, Robinson and Nagar, Atulya K. and Jayasankar, S (2016) Parallel Contextual Hexagonal Array P Systems. In: Bio-inspired Computing – Theories and Applications. Communications in Computer and Information Science (681). Springer, Singapore, pp. 278-298. ISBN 9789811036101
Jafari, Fahimeh and Jantsch, Axel and Lu, Zhonghai (2016) Weighted Round Robin Configuration for Worst-Case Delay Optimization in Network-on-Chip. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 24 (12). pp. 3384-3400. ISSN 1063-8210
Jauhar, Sunil Kumar and Pant, Millie and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Sustainable educational supply chain performance measurement through DEA and Differential Evolution: a case on Indian HEI. Journal of Computational Science. ISSN 1877-7503 (Accepted for Publication)
Jiang, He and Zhou, Jiafeng and Huang, Yi and Zeng, Yuxuan and Humphries, Jim and Xu, Qian and Song, Chaoyun and Xing, Lei and Fei, Zhouxiang and Nalborczyk, Jan (2016) Design of a Marx Generator for HEMP filter evaluation taking account of parasitic effect of components. In: 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, 5-9 September, 2015, Wroclaw, Poland.
Kar, R. and Konar, A. and Chakraborty, A. and Ralescu, A. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Extending the Nelder-Mead Algorithm for Feature Selection from Brain Networks. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2016, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Kuosmanen, N and Seppa, H and Alenius, T and Bradshaw, R H W and Clear, J L and Filimonova, L and Heikkila, M and Renssen, H and Tallavaara, M and Reitalu, T (2016) Importance of climate, forest fires and human population size in the Holocene boreal forest composition change in Northern Europe. Boreas, 45 (4). pp. 688-702. ISSN 1502-3885
Lahiri, R. and Rakshit, P. and Konar, A. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Evolutionary Approach for Selection of Optimal EEG Electrode Positions and Features for Classification of Cognitive Tasks. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2016, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Lall, S. and Saha, A. and Konar, A. and Laha, M. and Ralescu, A. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) EEG-based Mind Driven Type Writer by Fuzzy Radial Basis Function Neural Classifier. In: 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Lewis, R. J. and Marrs, R. H. and Pakeman, R. J. and Milligan, G. and Lennon, J. J. (2016) Climate drives temporal replacement and nested-resultant richness patterns of Scottish coastal vegetation. Ecography, 39 (8). pp. 754-762. ISSN 0906-7590
Lin, Hui and Hu, Jia and Xu, Li and Tian, Youliang and Liu, Lei and Blakeway, Stewart (2016) A Trustworthy and Energy-Aware Routing Protocol in Software-Defined Wireless Mesh Networks. Computers and Electrical Engineering. ISSN 0045-7906
Milligan, G. and Cox, E. S. and Alday, J. G. and Santana, V. M. and McAllister, H. A. and Pakeman, R. J. and Le Duc, M. G. and Marrs, R. H. (2016) The effectiveness of old and new strategies for the long-term control of Pteridium aquilinum, an 8-year test. Weed Research, 56 (3). pp. 247-257. ISSN 0043-1737
Milligan, G. and Rose, R. J. and Marrs, R. H. (2016) Winners and losers in a long-term study of vegetation change at Moor House NNR: Effects of sheep-grazing and its removal on British upland vegetation. Ecological Indicators, 68. pp. 89-101. ISSN 1470-160X
Mukhoti, J. and Rakshit, P. and Bhattacharya, D. and Konar, A. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Knowledge Extraction from a Time-Series Using Segmentation, Fuzzy Matching and Predictor Graphs. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Nagar, Atulya and Sastha, Sriram (2016) On Eccentric Connectivity Index of Eccentric Graph of Regular Dendrimer. Mathematics in Computer Science. ISSN 1661-8270
Olayanju, LO and Naguib, RNG and Amin, SA and Nguyen, QT and Kayode, OO and Olayanju, OA and Santos, GN (2016) Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Magnitude, Likely Risk Factors and Attitudes Towards Intimate Partner Violence Against Women. Journal of Computational Innovations and Engineering Applications, 1 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2507-9174
Pan, Linqiang and Nagar, Atulya K. and Subramanian, K.G. and Song, Bosheng (2016) Picture Array Generation Using Flat Splicing Operation. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 13 (6). pp. 3568-3577. ISSN 1546-1955
Panda, A. and Ghoshal, S. and Konar, A. and Banerjee, B. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Static Learning Particle Swarm Optimization with Enhanced Exploration and Exploitation using Adaptive Swarm Size. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2016, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Pititeeraphab, Yutthana and Chaichana, Thanapong and Thongpance, Nuntachai (2016) Implementation of Electric Wheelchair with Microcontroller. International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 4 (3). pp. 253-257. ISSN 2301-380X
Rakshit, P. and Konar, A. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Multi-Robot Box-Pushing in Presence of Measurement Noise. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2016, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Reeve, Graham and Tari, Farid (2016) Minkowski medial axes and shocks of plane curves. In: Real and Complex Singularities. American Mathematical Society, pp. 263-278. ISBN 9781470422059
Reid, David (2016) Man vs. Machine: The Battle for the Soul of Data Science. In: Big Data Challenges. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 11-22. (Accepted for Publication)
Saha, S. and Datta, S. and Konar, A. and Banerjee, B. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) A Novel Gesture Recognition System Based on Fuzzy Logic for Healthcare Applications. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Saha, S. and Konar, A. and Saha, A. and Sadhu, A. and Banerjee, B. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) EEG Based Gesture Mimicking by An Artificial Limb Using Cascade-Correlation Learning Architecture. In: 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Saha, S. and Lahiri, R. and Konar, A. and Banerjee, B. and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Human Skeleton Matching for E-learning of Dance Using a Probabilistic Neural Network. In: 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 24-29 July 2016, Vancouver, Canada. (Accepted for Publication)
Saha, Sriparna and Lahiri, Rimita and Konar, Amit and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) A Novel Approach To American Sign Language Recognition Using MAdaline Neural Network. In: IEEE SSCI 2016 Greece -, DECEMBER 6 TO 9, 2016, ATHENS, GREECE.
Samdanielthompson, G and Gnanamalar David, N and Nagar, Atulya and Subramanian, K.G. (2016) Flat Splicing Array Grammar Systems Generating Picture Arrays. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 8. pp. 336-344. ISSN 2150-7988 (Accepted for Publication)
Sangster, H and Duncan, Angus M. and Chester, David K. (2016) Mount Etna, Sicily: Vulnerability and resilience during the pre-industrial era. In: Past Vulnerability: Volcanic eruptions and human vulnerability in traditional societies past and present. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 41-63. ISBN 9788771242324
Sankar, D, S. and Lee, U. and Nagar, Atulya K. and Morsidi, M. (2016) Mathematical Analysis of Carreau Fluid model for Blood Flow in Tapered Constricted Arteries. In: The 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Computational Mathematics (ICSCCM2016), 8-9 September 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Accepted for Publication)
Siska, Peter and Goovaerts, Pierre and Hung, I-Kuai (2016) Evaluating susceptibility of karst dolines (sinkholes) for collapse in Sango, Tennessee, USA. Progress in Physical Geography, 40 (4). pp. 579-597.
Sklar, Elizabeth and Sareh, Sina and Secco, Emanuele Lindo and Faragasso, Angela and Althoefer, Kaspar (2016) A non-linear Model for Predicting Tip Position of a Pliable Robot Arm Segment Using Bending Sensor Data. Sensors & Transducers - Special Issue on Soft Bio-sensing Technologies, 199 (4). pp. 52-61. ISSN 2306-8515 (Accepted for Publication)
Smyth, T.A.G. (2016) A review of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) airflow modelling over aeolian landforms. Aeolian Research, 22. pp. 153-164. ISSN 1875-9637
Smyth, T.A.G. and Hesp, P.A. (2016) Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Flow Structures in a Trough Blowout. Journal of Coastal Research (SI 75). pp. 328-332. ISSN 0749-0208
Speake, Janet (2016) "I’ve got my Sat Nav, it’s alright”: Users’ attitudes towards, and engagements with, technologies of navigation. The Cartographic Journal, 52 (4). pp. 345-355. ISSN 1743-2774
Sriram, S. and Nagar, Atulya K. and Subramanian, K.G. (2016) Distance-related Properties of Corona of Certain Graphs. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Application, 8 (2). ISSN 2074-8523 (Accepted for Publication)
Supakitamonphan,, Chanchai and Kitsongsang, Nutchanat and Poohrungrueang, Praetana and Chaichana, Thanapong (2016) Two-Channel sEMG Controller for Electric Hand Gripper: Amputee Hand Training Device. International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 4 (3). pp. 243-247. ISSN 2301-380X
Tadesse, Andualem and Reid, David and Nagar, Atulya K. and Secco, Emanuele Lindo (2016) Integrated Wireless and Wearable Haptics System for Virtual Interaction. In: Eurohaptics, July, London. (Accepted for Publication)
Wallenstein, N and Chester, David K. and Coutinho, Rui and Duncan, Angus M. and Dibben, C (2016) Volcanic hazard vulnerability on Sao Miguel Island, Azores. In: Volcanic Geology of Sao Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago). Memoirs, 44 (44). Geological Society of London, pp. 213-225.
Walton, Jordan and Blakeway, Stewart and Kirpichnikova, Anna (2016) An Analysis of MANET Routing Protocol Performance for an Interactive User Engaging Quiz. In: Systems Informatics, Modelling and Simulation, SIMS 2016, 1st - 3rd June 2016, Riga, Latvia.
Yadav, Anupam and Deep, Kusum and Kim, Joong Hoon and Nagar, Atulya K. (2016) Gravitational Swarm Optimizer for Global Optimization. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 31. pp. 64-89. ISSN 2210-6502 (Accepted for Publication)
Zeng, Wen and Koutny, Maciej and Watson, Paul and Germanos, Vasileios (2016) Formal Verification of Secure Information Flow in Cloud Computing. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 27-28. pp. 103-116. ISSN 2214-2126